Terrines, pâtés, and traditional cooked dishes of the Basque Country
A range of terrines and pâtés from the Basque Country.

Raw food materials from certified regional sectors.
Traceability is essential for superior product quality. This is why Orocbat holds recognized distinctions, such as the Porc Fermier of the South-West, the Canard Gras of the South-West and the Veau d’Aquitaine.

The authentic taste of “home-made” charcuterie!
Orocbat develops delicious Basque family recipes with a passion for tradition and local culture. A deliciously rich range with well-loved regional pâtés, characterised by new taste combinations and authentic artisanal charcuterie.
Orocbat pours its expertise into the production of cooked, “home-made” products with the greatest respect for flavours, all done with rigour and safety at each stage of production. Orocbat reinvents itself on a daily basis and demonstrates a willingness to innovate in order to offer new products that meet customer expectations.
VideoImmersion at Orocbat

Fresh charcuterie
Basques terrines: Terrines made from pork, wild boar with mushrooms, Jurançon rabbit, and more.
Artisanal charcuterie: Andouille, Basque Country meat boudin, pork tenderloin, andouillette for grilling, veal axoa with Espelette pepper.
Superior cooked ham and Red Label farmed pork.
Preserved foods
Basque pâté: Rillettes, Basque boudin, head pâté (Farmed Pork)
Range of regional flavours: Old-fashioned ham, terrine (rabbit, goose, duck, pheasant boar, hare), gascon pâté with Armagnac, Landes pâté with duck liver, and more.

And also a range of game terrines, cooked dishes and cooked charcuterie to taste and enjoy!

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